"One can resist the invasión of an army but one cannot resist the invasion of ideas." Victor Hugo

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Today, in Havana, Extraordinary ALBA Summit-Tcp on Ebola

The Extraordinary Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) on Ebola, is made ​​today in Havana, attended by chief executives, including the heads of state of Cuba,
Venezuela and Bolivia and other leaders in the region.

From nine o'clock in the Hall of Protocol Cubanacán in The Little Lake, will begin the meeting, in which as recently wrote the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, "Caribbean and Latin American will send also message of encouragement and fight other peoples of the world. "
The meeting was proposed by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and other countries in the region in response to the call of the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization, for concerted efforts to confronting the epidemic plaguing West Africa.

Upon arrival in Havana on Sunday, heads of state and government and other senior officials of the ALBA member nations, and the UN, commended the Greater Antilles for arranging so quickly this summit.

They emphasized their significance by resolutions adopted, and Cuba's efforts in the fight against Ebola, sending personal physician to African countries most affected by the virus.

They also considered the meeting as an expression of unity and integration among the states of ALBA-TCP, while its concern with the most important international issues.

Therefore, the appointment should be a reflection of the cooperation of the regional bloc to multilateral organizations like the UN, WHO and the Pan American Health Organization, in the battle to curb the epidemic and prevent its spread to other parts of the world.

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