Japan announced Friday the start of a new era in the field of high-speed trains, with a project of a magnetic train reached a speed of 500 kilometers per hour and from Tokyo 2027 to join the industrial city of Nagoya .
The government today gave the green light to the Central Japan Railway Company (JR Tokai) to build the railway line, whose work could begin later this month. Until 2045 the connection will be expanded to the city of Osaka.
The total cost of the huge project will amount to 9.0 trillion yen (84 500 million).
The government today gave the green light to the Central Japan Railway Company (JR Tokai) to build the railway line, whose work could begin later this month. Until 2045 the connection will be expanded to the city of Osaka.
The total cost of the huge project will amount to 9.0 trillion yen (84 500 million).
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