The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla said needed to end the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the US to the island in the sixty-ninth session of the United Nations General Assembly.
Following is the full speech: Mr. President:
Distinguished Permanent Representatives:
The United Nations General Assembly today considered for the twenty third time this important issue to the world community as regards the international law that protects large and small, rich and poor and is the guarantee of the independence of all and the exercise of national sovereignty is the basis of sovereign equality.
It also has a direct bearing on the enjoyment of human rights for all people and all nations.
This matter concerns the freedom of trade and navigation which protects the interests of states, companies and citizens.
However, we met a very special international situation characterized by serious threats to international peace and security, brutal wars and terrorist acts of extraordinary cruelty, for the danger that the existence of huge nuclear arsenals by unusual expenditure on armaments, useless to solve any of the major problems of world population fast approaching 8 billion.
It is crucial to the impact of climate change, among other catastrophic circumstances, may cause unprecedented starvation, widespread extreme poverty in entire regions and massive waves of migration time.
We live in an era marked by systemic global crisis and their overlapping economic, food, energy and water components.
Along with poverty, which claims more lives than war, increases the risk of serious diseases such as ebola, if not stopped and resolved in the West African nations concerned with the urgent and effective cooperation of all sisters, could become one of the worst pandemics in history.
As recently stated by President Raúl Castro Ruz, "that noble and urgent objective demands the effort and commitment of all the indispensable nation in the world, according to the possibilities of each. We consider that any politicization of this serious problem that divert us from the main objective, which is to help in confronting this epidemic in Africa and elsewhere prevention should be avoided. "
This is an unprecedented set of new and old problems that tend to make human life unsustainable. None of them can be resolved if not change our attitude, our approach and transform reality, to genuinely cooperate for the sake of survival of humanity.
As he wrote in recent days Fidel Castro, "any conscious person knows that political decisions involving risk to staff, highly qualified, involve a high level of responsibility on the part of those who urge on a dangerous task. It's even harder still than sending soldiers to fight and even die for a just cause, who always did so as a duty.
"The medical staff to fly to any point in saving lives, even at the risk of his own, is the best example of solidarity that can provide the human being ..."
Mr. President:
It is a fact that in the last period has worsened the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba and also has intensified its extraterritorial application in all regions, especially by imposing huge and unusual penalty for 11 billion dollars against 38 banks, including France's BNP Paribas, which perform transactions with Cuba and other countries.
The cumulative economic damage, huge for a small economy, reaching 1 billion 534 million 112 thousand dollars, calculated at the value of gold, which is being manipulated by the creators of the prevailing monetary system disastrous already suffering the effects of an insurmountable crisis hits the poorest countries.
Human damage blocking grow. There are already 77% of the Cubans who were born under these circumstances. The suffering of our families can not be counted. Many international conventions that prohibit it, including the 1948 Geneva against genocide. The exercise of the human rights of an entire people is affected. Economic development of the country is severely hampered.
Although our systems of health and social care failing to prevent the loss of life, any honest person in the world or in the United States could support its devastating consequences.
Nevertheless, our national culture, education and ensuring equal rights and opportunities allow us to be an informed and caring society.
Mr. President:
The Straits of Florida, the people of the United States and Cuba have always been deep bonds.
Despite the systematic campaign of lies against our country, over half a century, the American people supported the return to his family's Cuban boy abducted in 1999.
Cuba offered all assistance in their power, in the early hours, before the terrible terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, when thousands of aircraft had no where to land and then to address the lack of antibiotics when Anthrax attacks occurred in USA.
Sincerely concerned about the damage that was causing Hurricane Katrina in 2005, we offered medical cooperation to the people of New Orleans and thence Specialized in Disasters and Epidemics Henry Reeve Medical Contingent, a young American hero who fought in the nineteenth century emerged the independence of Cuba, which is now deployed in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. Its prestigious name that detachment identified in 2005 attended Pakistan following the earthquake, and continued fruitful cooperation with US military doctors began in El Salvador after the 2001 earthquake in Guatemala in 2002 and 2003 during the treatment of onchocerciasis or "river blindness".
In 2010, following the earthquake in Haiti, the US and Cuba also cooperated for this long-suffering nation.
The Cuban government invariably shared with the US information about planned terrorist acts and attacks directed against it.
Despite the old tensions and attempts to violent extremists and terrorist groups to provoke, there has not been a war, or have died young Americans in Cuba. Although it has been slandered, Cuba has never been a threat to the national security of the United States.
No hostility between our peoples. Cuba welcomes hospitably few Americans to visit their government permits or assume the legal risks of doing so, and those who come to give us aid, like the "Pastors for Peace" or to study medicine in our country.
Are known to opinion polls showing majority support increasing and absolutely every sector of American society to the lifting of the embargo and normalization of bilateral ties. It is particularly noteworthy that this occurs even more markedly in Florida, which also confirms the tendency of the electoral vote in the last presidential election.
Political figures of the most diverse tendencies and relevant scholars recognize that this policy has failed in its purpose and does not meet the national interests of that power. Just read the editorial in the New York Times in recent weeks.
Religious leaders raise legitimate, unobjectionable ethical and humanitarian reasons for requesting the change.
Americans demand the freedom to travel to the one place on the planet to which they are forbidden to do so and the right to receive direct information and personnel of the Cuban reality.
Business organizations and businessmen believe that the blockade impairs their economic interests. Most of the public is opposed to maintaining the current course and expressed in an ever more critical.
The Cuban emigration has suffered discriminatory measures and numerous obstacles to family reunification travel in both directions, excessive costs that are imposed, political manipulation and even terrorist violence, mostly wish peace and prosperity for their families and people and normal ties with their country of origin.
Why encourage the illegal use of information technology instead of allowing business on mutually beneficial telecommunication? Why stop connecting Cuba to nearby undersea cables limiting and hinders our connectivity?
The blockade hurts Cuba but also damaging to the United States.
The absurd and ridiculous inclusion of Cuba on the list of state sponsors of international terrorism, which serves to justify additional financial sanctions, discredits the United States.
The 16 years of unjust and fraudulent imprisonment imposed on the three Cuban antiterrorist fighters have not weakened. On the contrary, they have become heroes and example for future generations of Cubans and pride for their sacrifices that they forged the path of the new Cuba.
The decision to remove the blockade would be welcome worldwide and would be a unitary influence in favor of peace and peaceful resolution of conflicts and differences.
After the limited but positive in 2009 and 2011 on measures of family visits, remittances from Cubans living in their territory and travel for certain categories of US citizens to trade in various kinds, has been extended to other issues dialogue level technical and increased cooperation in areas such as fighting drug trafficking, transnational crime, human trafficking, prevention of oil spills in the search and rescue of people in aviation safety and aviation or before specific facts.
The reaction of the US and international community to these modest progress has been supportive and encouraging.
President Barack Obama has all the constitutional prerogatives, without going to Congress to modify determinants of the blockade and enter a new and decisive dynamic in the bilateral relationship.
Mr. President:
We invite the government of the United States at a mutually respectful relationship, on a reciprocal basis, based on sovereign equality, the principles of international law and the United Nations Charter.
We can try to find solution to the dispute, through respectful dialogue and cooperation on issues of common interest. We can live and relate, in a civilized manner within our differences.
Cuba will never give up its sovereignty or the path freely chosen by his people to build a more just and efficient, prosperous and sustainable socialism. Neither will give up on finding a different or no longer fight for "world balance" international order.
Mr. President:
Distinguished Permanent Representatives:
I must ask you in this difficult and special international situation, vote in favor of draft resolution A / 69 / L.4 entitled "Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba" to support the idea that the serious problems currently facing humanity imperative to change the way we relate to resolve them, to preserve peace, to preserve human life.
Thank you very much.
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