"One can resist the invasión of an army but one cannot resist the invasion of ideas." Victor Hugo

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Putin denounced the West commitment to dismember Russia

President Vladimir Putin warned of attempts to impose Russia a scenario similar to the dismemberment and applied against the then Yugoslavia, with funding and covert intelligence work separatism.
Putin said in his annual address to the Federal Assembly (parliament) that despite the unprecedented openness of the country and change of mentality towards former enemies address, now considered "close friends and allies almost" separatism in Russia supported by the line special services and information, political and financial resources, including highlights Prensa Latina.
We have nodoubt thatwe had been putupgladlyYugoslavdisintegrationand dismembermentscenewith all thetragic consequences.It did not workandwill not allowsaid the presidentwitha broad representation ofall branches of theRussian state, in roomSanJorge,theGrand Kremlin Palace.

 It found, moreover,that Russia shouldgo the wayof sovereignty, defenseof national interests,strengthen andensure their safetyinfull measure.

 He warnedthat Moscowis not routedtoan arms race,buthasdecisionsnonstandard,to attemptsto containRussia,a policy thatis not now, noryesterday,andcomes upevery time youunderstand thatwe are tooindependentnotedPutin.

 He saidthe statesmanin theannual messagethat unilateralUS withdrawalin 2002,theTreatymissileendangered thestrategic balanceand the balance offorces in the world.

 TheKremlin chiefruled outthe imposition of amilitary superiority overRussia, whilesome governmentsseek to buildan iron beltaround him, he warned.

 Hesaidimmediately afterwardsmeaninglesslanguagewith their countryfrom positions of strength, alludingto political pressuresand sanctions imposedby the WestagainstMoscow's positionregarding thesituation createdinUkraine followingthe coupandthe accession ofCrimea.

 The sanctionsare harmful toeveryone, includingthose whoimposedand began, said thestatesman,who said he wassure the"nervous reactionofthe US and itsallies wasnot only to thebehavior ofRussiaorUkraineCrimea".

 I am convincedthathad nothappenedall that, theninventanother pretextto containthe growing possibilitiesofRussianinfluence it,orbetter,use itfor the benefit oftheir interests, saidPutin.


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