The star Cuban baseball Yulieski Gourriel returned Monday to Cuba after his debut in Major League Japan (NPB), which achieved a successful season with the Yokohama DeNA BayStars, compiling over 300 on offense with more than 30 extra-base hits in 62 games.
"It was an unforgettable experience for me. One of the greatest things that happened to me in my life, "he said on his arrival in Havana Gourriel, Olympic champion in Athens 2004 and subhead World Classic I (2006), in statements to Radio Habana Cuba.
Gourriel, 30, said she initially found it hard to adapt to the way of life in Japan, "very different" from the Cubans, and also stressed that hit him in the beginning its entry into the "professionalism" but acknowledged that "gradually grew accustomed to achieve what was expected. ""It was an unforgettable experience for me. One of the greatest things that happened to me in my life, "he said on his arrival in Havana Gourriel, Olympic champion in Athens 2004 and subhead World Classic I (2006), in statements to Radio Habana Cuba.
The media of the 33 extra-base hits Cuban players - jonrones- 22 doubles and 11 in 62 games in the Japanese League and averaged to 305 (239-73).
He also scored 46 runs, drove 30 and had a slugging percentage of 536.
The defense committed six errors in the third and second bases of Yokohama.
The week also returned to the country outfielder Alfredo Despaigne, who had impressive numbers with the Lotte Marines in his first season in Japan, although in fewer games than Gourriel.
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