"One can resist the invasión of an army but one cannot resist the invasion of ideas." Victor Hugo

martes, 21 de octubre de 2014

President Dies Total oil in an accident with his private plane

The chairman of the French oil company Total, Christophe de Margerie, died last night in the crash of his private plane in the Moscow Airport Vnoukovo against a snow plow, whose driver was apparently drunk when he was about to take off.
In the accident, the three crew members of the aircraft Falcon-50 and senior 63 years, head of France's largest companies by profits and market capitalization second died.
Theactionfell1.46%Totalopeningofthe Paris Bourseafter thefatalnews.
According toRussian newspaperVedomosti,Margeriewas returning to Parisafter a meetingwith Prime MinisterDimitriMedvedevfocused onforeign investment inRussia.
The French,withgood contactsbetweenthe Russian leadershipwasfavorable to investmentin this country,ina context of tensionby Westernsanctions againstMoscow inthe frameworkof the Ukrainianconflict.
"TheTotalgroup confirmswith great emotion anda deep sadnessthat CEOCEOChristophe deMargeriedied shortlyafter 20GMT[yesterday]in a plane crashatVnukovoairportinMoscowaftera collision witha machinesnowplows, "the company said ina statement.
Totalannounced thatits boardwill meet"as soon as possible"after the death ofits leader.
a detainee
According tothe first elementsof theRussianInvestigationCommittee,the driver of thesnow plow, whichwasnot injured,was drunk.
The manwas arrested shortlyafter the tragedy, his lawyerAlexanderKarabanov
"He has been arrestedand is under investigation," he toldtheInterfaxagencycounsel, who identifiedhis client asVladimirMartinenkov.
The lawyersaid thatinvestigators,who considerMartinenkoguiltyof the accident,ask thejudgetoremandhis client.
"Doctors saidthe manwas underalcohol intoxication,"VladimirMarkinconfirmedthe prosecutortold Interfax.Thedriver wasseriously injured.
Markinsaid thatit seems thatthe causeof the tragedywas themistThere wasbad weatherandhuman errorand that allflight controllerswho were on dutywere questioned.TodayMoscowalsoreachFrench researchers.
Vnoukovoairportsaid theplane had avisibility of350 meters.
Rescuerswere placed"immediately toextinguish the fire thatwas declared" according to anairport source.The experts alsofoundthe black boxes.

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